RegNav Resources

RegNav combines expert insights with AI, giving you a detailed picture of your safety and performance requirements.

Refer to our latest resources to learn how you can leverage our solutions for a clear path to compliance

Start your journey

Whatever stage you’re at, RegNav can support

We support Medical Devices across all classes (Class I, II & III)

All pathways for FDA clearance and approval are covered

We support CE marking across a range of device types

RegNav Premium

A full compliance plan, product classification and timeline.

  • Whether you are pre or post design lock, we can identify the standards that are applicable to your device.

  • You will receive a full outline of the regulations and standards that are likely to be required for your product.

  • Our AI assists with determining the most efficient testing pathway for you.

  • Your case will be fully overseen by leading compliance experts

RegNav Verify

Expert validation of an existing compliance plan.

  • Use the tool for a free assessment of your compliance plan to assist with determining if you have found all applicable standards.

  • Making a design change? We can tell you how that will change your compliance plan.

  • Your case will be fully overseen by leading compliance experts